Tucson, Arizona


OBJECTIVE: Employment in a networked environment, specializing in network administration. With experience in hardware maintenance, installation and repair.

EDUCATION: UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA Tucson, Arizona B.S.B.A., Management Information Systems, MAY 1992 GPA 3.6(major), 2.9 (Overall)
EXPERIENCE Plant Sciences Department/College of Agriculture
05/90 - Present Support Systems Analyst, Sr
  Responsible for personal computer operations for the Department of Plant Sciences and network administration for the College of Agriculture.
  Department level:

Provide support for microcomputers, includes DOS/Windows operating systems (Windows 3.1, Windows for Workgroups 3.11 and Windows 95), Macintosh systems, printers, and other computer peripherals such as modems, scanners, and slide makers. Maintain small computer lab for department personnel; install software, hardware and configure for network. Recommend, purchase and setup computer systems for department personnel as well as individual computers in the research areas. Provide support for software including reviewing, recommending, installing, updating and upgrading. Provide training and documentation on use of hardware and software features.

  College level:

Provide support for all network operations in the college; including file sharing, print sharing, data recovery, security, troubleshooting and maintenance of peer to peer networks. Assist in the operation of college wide UNIX network system including creating Email accounts, accessing shared file systems and network printing. Conduct training seminars in use of client software, and other network related software such as web creation(HTML) software ,(Front Page, Netscape Gold). Analyze, identify, plan, and install the systems for department networks. Implement NT Server for College use and maintain user accounts, and distributed software. Coordinate with college webmaster in posting and creating websites for college and individual departments. Coordinate with Center for Computing and Information Technology staff as required to activate, maintain or repair department network components



Coursework includes several programming classes using Pascal, and database languages such as PAL (Paradox) and dBase III.
  Extensive on-the-job training in troubleshooting and repair of PC/MAC hardware.
  Attend statewide seminars in PC troubleshooting and Windows support.


DOS 5 - 6.22, Windows 3.1, Windows for Workgroups 3.11, Windows 95, Windows NT Server, Macintosh Systems 7,7.1,7.5.x, UNIX
REFERENCES Available upon request